The Effect of Faith and Spirituality on Sporting Performance in Islam

Document Type : Research Paper



Man has always been thinking to overcome his existing limitations to achieve his existing goals and to plan new ones. Athletes go through this course continuously. Since human being is both a spiritual and material creature, it is obvious that the origin of his strength and power may be spiritual and material, that is, he can use both spiritual and material forces to fully develop and activate his aptitudes. The aim of this article is to introduce the strategy of strengthening through religious beliefs from the Holy Quran's viewpoint.
In the literature to the study, strategies such as mechanical, nutritional, physiological, pharmacological and psychological ergogenic aids have been introduced. To optimize the outcomes and effects of these strategies, the strengthening strategy originating from religious belief has then been introduced, strategies which have been considered in the history different ethnic groups and nations such as Greece, Ancient Iran, and Olympic movement, post-Islam Iran, and also in the  viewpoints of great philosophers like Avicena ,William James and Imam Khomeini. The researcher has used the viewpoints of the holy Quran and great commentators such as Allame-tabataba'i, motahhari etc. The subject has been explained in the frame work of the Quran's definitions of the terms "belief", "believer", "believer's characteristics" (e.g. calm, endurance, esteem , trust in god). The last discussed property is the power and strength in competition (fighting).The source components of belief, that is, knowledge and good deed, have been discussed and several recommendations have been proposed for other researchers and trainers.


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