Investigation and Comparison of Opinions of Managing Directors and Physical Education Teachers Regarding the Importance of and Qualitative and Quantitative Statuses of Physical Education at Public High Schools of Urmia

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this research is study and compare the viewpoints of principles and physical education teachers about qualitative and quantitative situation and the importance of physical education class in free public high school at Urmia.The population of this research includes all principles (65)and physical education teachers(110)of Urmia free public high schools, which had  been selected in a census way .The measurement instrument of research is a questionnaire, which has been produced in order to deliberate the insight of two groups. It,s pronounce is %86.6 and it,s permanent is %85.8 . In order to statistic Accounts and the relation between variables , we used the descriptive and deduced survey method such as abundance  table and percents and Chi – Square test (X2) and Pearson correlation coefficient . and the result  show that : Index of physical education importance at studied schools is %94.7 and qualitative condition of physical education is %71.2and it,s quantitative mode is %70,higher than average level. According to the results of the research on studied population about the qualitative and quantitative doing of physical education , there isn,t great and meaningful difference between managers,, and educators,, insight , but about the index of physical education importance at school,there is a meaningful importance among population insight.(PV=0.034,Chi2=8.661)also, it was cleared that there is a meaningful difference between two sexual groups of studied society in quantitative index of physical education and it,s execution and according to the results of the research , about the qualitative doing of  physical  education lesson and it,s importance, there isn,t a meaningful difference between two sexual groups of studied society.  


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