purpose of present study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks of resistance exercise training with blood flow restriction on serum levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in inactive young women. 45 inactive young women were randomly selected and divided into 3 groups of Low-intensity resistance training + BFR (BFR) , traditional resistance training (TRT) and control group. The BFR group performed resistance training with cuff closure and training intensity of 20% one repetition maximum (IRM); The TRT group without katsu performed resistance training with 80% of 1RM, 3 times per week for 12 weeks on consecutive days. Serum samples were taken from subjects before and after 12 weeks of training. Serum levels of IGF-1 and PDGF were measured by ELISA method. data were analyzed using paired t-test, one-way analysis of variance test and Bonferroni's post hoc test at a significance level of P<0.05. PDGF and IGF-1 serum levels increased significantly in the post-test of the BFR and TRT groups compared to the pre-test (p<0.05). Also, the serum levels of PDGF and IGF-1 in the BFR and TRT groups were significantly higher than the control group (p=0.001). The level of these indicators in the training groups does not show a significant difference. Therefore, considering the lack of significant difference between intense traditional resistance training and low-intensity resistance training with BFR, it can be recommended to people at risk and not trained to use low-intensity training with BFR instead of intense training with similar results.
Jaafari, L. , soltani, M. , hoseinabadi, M. , & BARJASTE YAZDI, A. (2024). Changes in IGF-1 and PDGF levels of inactive women due to traditional resistance training and resistance training with blood flow restriction. Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 19(38), -. doi: 10.22080/jaep.2024.27146.2185
Leila Jaafari; mahmoud soltani; mohammadreza hoseinabadi; AMENE BARJASTE YAZDI. "Changes in IGF-1 and PDGF levels of inactive women due to traditional resistance training and resistance training with blood flow restriction", Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 19, 38, 2024, -. doi: 10.22080/jaep.2024.27146.2185
Jaafari, L., soltani, M., hoseinabadi, M., BARJASTE YAZDI, A. (2024). 'Changes in IGF-1 and PDGF levels of inactive women due to traditional resistance training and resistance training with blood flow restriction', Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 19(38), pp. -. doi: 10.22080/jaep.2024.27146.2185
L. Jaafari , M. soltani , M. hoseinabadi and A. BARJASTE YAZDI, "Changes in IGF-1 and PDGF levels of inactive women due to traditional resistance training and resistance training with blood flow restriction," Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 19 38 (2024): -, doi: 10.22080/jaep.2024.27146.2185
Jaafari, L., soltani, M., hoseinabadi, M., BARJASTE YAZDI, A. Changes in IGF-1 and PDGF levels of inactive women due to traditional resistance training and resistance training with blood flow restriction. Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 2024; 19(38): -. doi: 10.22080/jaep.2024.27146.2185