Evaluation of power and lactate indices of elite football players following a period of PAPE and SIT training

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sports Sciences, Farhangian University, Shahid Chamran Campus, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Movement Behavior, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



Objectives: post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) along with speed interval exercises (SIT) leads to the activation of neuromuscular mechanism and physiological adaptations in football players. In this regard, the aim of the present study was to evaluation of power and lactate indices of elite football players following a period of PAPE and SIT training.
Methods: For this purpose, 20 elite football players of Pas Club (practice experience of 4.3 years, age 17±6 years, weight 70±5 kilograms, body mass index 21.60±2)  voluntarily participated in this research. The participants were divided into two groups of 10, squat-plyometric (SP) and control. The SP group followed the PAPE and SIT training program for 4 weeks during 2 sessions a week on Sundays: SIT training with 5 repetitions of 30 seconds of maximum effort with 5:00 active rest between each repetition was performed in the first week and in the fourth week active rest up to 3:30 decreased between each repetition. Thursdays: half-squat PAPE training with 40% of maximum strength to the point of exhaustion, then 7 minutes of active rest, then 2 times of 4 repetitions of half-squat with 80% of maximum strength, and immediately they performed 2 times of plyometric training, jumping over 5 obstacles of 70 cm, and after 2 minutes of rest Active, RAST test was performed. The roast test was performed in two stages before and after the test, and blood was drawn after 5 minutes.
Results: The analysis of covariance test showed that SP training group performed better than the control group in terms of metabolic and functional indicators, p≤0.0001. In connection with the lactate index, the results showed a very high increase in the training group in the pre-test stage, p≤0.0001. In the intragroup analysis, the results showed a better performance of the SP training group in lactate, maximum power, minimum power, average power, fatigue index in the post-test stage. But this difference was not significant for the control group except for the lactate index in other indices.
Conclusion: According to the findings, it seems that PAPE guidelines with SIT can be considered an effective strategy for changing lactate metabolism and functional components of anaerobic power, in the specific preparation season before the competition, young athletes should be considered and trained athletes should train with maximum relative intensity to improve their capacities and physiological adaptations. 


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