The Effect of Repeated Sprint Ability (RSA) and Small Side Games (SSG) Training on Some Performance-Related Physical Fitness Factors in Futsal Players

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran


Background and Purpose: The aim of the present study was to comparison of the effect of RSA (repeated sprint ability) and SSG (Small side games) on some of the physical fitness factors related to performance in futsal players.
Methodology: twinty two male futsal players (average age of 18/04±2/04 years, weight 63/3±1/08 kg, height 176±0.05 cm, BMI 20/3±2/6) were selected and randomly divided into two experimental groups of RSA (n=10) and SSG (n=12). Initially, subjects were tested for anthropometric measurements, including height and weight, and then physical fitness tests related to performance in futsal, including: 10, 15, and 20 m sprints for speed measurement, LRUN and VCUT tests for agility, Sargent vertical jump test, RSA and RAST tests were performed to measure anaerobic power, FIET test was used to measure aerobic power and LSPT test was used to measure skill performance in futsal. Experimental groups participated in a 4-week training course. The RSA group exercises consisted of 3 sets of 6 sprints of 40 meters with 20 seconds of inactive rest between each sprint and 4 minutes of inactive rest between each set. All sprints was changed by three 180 degree changes every 10 meters. The SSG group exercises consisted of 3 sets of futsal games on a reduced pitch (20 meters long and 12 meters wide) for 4 minutes and active rest for three minutes between each set and with the number of people (3 vs. 3). In order to analyze the data, a covariance analysis test was used and a significance level of p Results: In the mean section of the record in anaerobic power variable measured by RSA test and in the maximum power, average power and minimum power in the anaerobic power variable measured by RSAT test, a significant difference between SSG and RSA groups in post-test the test was observed. The average RSA test record in the RSA group was significantly lower than in the SSG group. And the minimum, maximum, and average RAST test power in the RSA group was significantly higher than the SSG group.
Conclusion: In comparing the effect between four weeks of RSA and SSG training, neither training improved sergeant jump, but both training models improved factors such as agility, speed, aerobic power, skill performance and anaerobic power (especially by RSA training). From these findings, it can be concluded that in comparison with RSA and SSG exercises in designing exercises for futsal players, it is better to use RSA exercises to improve anaerobic power.


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