The Effect of Circuit Resistance Training on the Plasma Levels of Branched-Chain Amino Acids and Insulin Resistance in Obese Adolescents Boys

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Exercise Physiology Department, Sport Science Faculty, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.

2 Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department, school of Education & Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz,, Iran


Background & Purpose: The levels of branched-chain amino acids, an increase in obese subjects and associated with the risk of insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of circuit resistance training on the plasma levels of branched-chain amino acids and insulin resistance in in obese adolescents boys.
Methodology: 33 obese adolescent boys (BMI≥30) with 14 to 17 years of age were randomly divided into two groups: Circuit resistance training group (n=16) and control group (n=17). The circuit resistance training was performed for eight-weeks, three sessions per week. The training program included 11 stations. The exercise was performed in the first 4 weeks with 2 sets with 70 -75% one repetition maximum, 10-12 repetitions, and in the second 4 weeks with 4 sets with 75-80% one repetition maximum, 6-8 replications. The rest between stations and sets was 30 and 180 seconds, respectively. HPLC method was used to measure the plasma levels of branched-chain amino acids.
Results: resistance training reduced weight (P <0.001), BMI (P <0.001), glucose (P = 0.035), valine (P = 0.007) and sum of branched-chain amino acids (P = 0.007) and insulin resistance index did not reach significant level (P = 0.083).
Conclusion: The circuit resistance training in obese adolescents improved levels of branched-chain amino acids, glucose, and insulin resistance. Given that obese children and adolescents are more at risk for various diseases, such as diabetes, circuit resistance training may prevent metabolic disorders associated with obesity.


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