The Effect of HIIT with Supplementation of Cinnamon on DPP4 Concentration, Insulin Resistance, BMI and Vo2max in Overweight Boys

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Lorestan University, Khoramabad, Iran

2 Dept of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Vali-e-Asr University, Rafsanjan, Iran..

3 Department of Physical education and sport science, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran


Background&Purpose: Dipeptidyl peptidase‐4 (DPP4) is known to be an adipocin which associated with insulin resistance. Inhibition of DPP4 leading to increase the body's ability to control the blood glucose and increase fat oxidation. On the other hand, cinnamon stimulates the glucose uptake by activating the insulin receptor. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of High intensity interval training (HIIT) with supplementation of cinnamon on DPP4 concentration, insulin resistance, insulin, blood glucose, body fat percentage, BMI and Vo2max in overweight boys.
Methodology: The subjects subjects (age range: 18-16 years, height: 162-172 cm, weight: 51-61 kg and BMI: 29-25 kg/m2) were purposefully selected and randomly divided into four groups: Training, training-supplementation, supplementation and control. Training and training-supplementation groups completed HIIT for 6 weeks and 3 day/week. Each training session included 3 HIIT (4 minutes at 90% reserve heart rate) with 2 minutes of rest. Subjects in training-supplementation and supplementation groups consumed 3 capsules daily containing 380 mg of cinnamon. The values of DPP4, insulin resistance, insulin, blood glucose, body fat percentage, BMI and Vo2max were evaluated 48 hours ago and after the training program. Tow-way ANOVA were used for statistical analyzes.
Results: Significant decrease in the levels of DPP4 in training-supplementation (P = 0.001) and training (P = 0.004) groups, insulin resistance in training-supplementation (P = 0.001) and training (P = 0.001) groups, insulin in training-supplementation (P = 0.005) and training (P = 0.004) groups, glucose in training-supplementation (P = 0.001) and training (P = 0.002) groups and BMI values of training-supplementation (P = 0.008) and training (P = 0.001) groups was observed compared to supplementation and control groups. Also significant increase in the amounts of Vo2max was observed in training-supplementation (P = 0.001) and training (P = 0.001) groups compared to supplementation and control groups.
Conclusion: It is recommended that HIIT to be used for decreasing in DPP4, insulin resistance, insulin, blood glucose, and improving the body composition and aerobic performance of overweight boys.


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