The Effect of High Intensity Interval Training on the Levels of Myocardial G-CSF, G-CSFR and C-Kit Proteins in Male Rats

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Kharazmi, Alborz, Iran

2 Physiology Research Center, Department of Physiology, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.


Background & Purpose: High intensity training as a new training method can cause physiological cardiac hypertrophy and cardio protection by different pathway. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of two weeks of high intensity training on G-CSF, G-CSFR (CD114) and C-kit proteins in the myocardial of male rats. Methodology: 10 male Wistar rats (weight 23.75 ± 8.7 gr) were divided into two groups of control and training. The training group performed two weeks of high intensity training in four parts. First part included three days and every day were two training sessions and every session were 4 repetition two-minutes with speed of 35-40 m/min and three slow repetition were with speed of 25-30 m/min between two intense repetitions. Second part: two days training similar the first part in the repetitions number, but with the difference that intensity repetition increased to 40-45 m/min and slow repetition to 28-32 m/min. The third part included three days of training; the number of repetitions in this session was made up to 5-intensity repetition and 4 slow repetition with intensity of the second part. The fourth part included of two days of training, similar to the third part, but with the difference that number intensity and slow repetitions, one repetition increased. G-CSF, G-CSFR and C-Kit proteins were measured by western blot method. Results: Independent t-test showed that there was a significant increase in G-CSF and C-Kit in the training group (P≥0.05). But, not significant difference in G-CSFR was shown between two groups. Conclusion: Therefore, it seems that even a short period of high intensity training with the increase of G-CSF and C-Kit levels can stimulate the formation of new myositis and this way activated the pathway of physiological cardiac hypertrophy and cardio protection.


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