The Effect of Comprehensive (11+) Warm Up Program on Injury Prevention, Agility and Speed Dribbling Among Young Male Football Players

Document Type : Research Paper


Sports Medicine Department, Faculty of Sport Science, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Background & Purpose: There are serious questions about efficacy of (11+) warm up program on prevention of injuries in ankle and thigh. Also, there is a contradictory and limited information about (+11) program effectiveness on players` performance. The aim of this study was to investigate (+11) program effectiveness on speed dribbling, agility and injury prevention among young male football Players.
Methodology: Couple of Iranian youth football teams of the third division league (2016-2017) were randomly divided into experimental (n=29) and control (n=30) groups and were observed during the season. To compare the injury rate between two groups, chi-square and exact fisher test and to compare players’ performance between two groups, dependent and independent T test was used.
 Results: There were no significant difference at 95% of confidence in agility (16.91±0.54VS 16.79±0.48) and speed dribbling (13.88±1.37 VS 13.46±0.95) tests between players of control and experimental groups. There were, also no difference in injury rate between two groups (p>0.05).
 Conclusion: our research showed that (+11) warm up program is not effective on agility, speed dribbling and injury prevention among young male football players.




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