The Comparison of Effects 3 Corrective Exercise Methods on The Spinal Alignment of The Individuals With Sway Back Posture

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Sports Science, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran


Background & Purpose: Sway back posture is one of the most common spinal deformity in the young population. This deformity, due to its passive nature, was more likely to be associated back pain and Scheuermann kyphosis compared with the kyphosis, lordosis and flat back. The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of three corrective exercise methods on the spinal alignment of individuals with sway back posture.
Methodology: the study subjects  included 52 sway back students with the average age, 20/61 ± 1/17, weight, 67/47 ± 12/34 and Height, 172/25 ± 6/62 that were purposefully selected and randomly classified into three experimental (each group with n=13) and one control groups(n=13). Pre- and post-exercise spinal postural alignment was measured by; forward head, kyphosis, lordosis, pelvic tilt and the sway angles.  Experimental groups 1, 2 and 3 received core, routines and combined exercises for 12 weeks, three sessions per week and 40 to 80 minutes per session and control group participated in their daily routine activities. Data were analyzed by MANCOVA method at the 0.05 significant levels.
Results: The findings showed that each of the three methods of exercise has a significant effect on spinal alignment of sway back people, but a combined exercise has a significant better effectiveness than two other methods (Based on effect size).
Conclusion: So, combined corrective exercise can be recommended to correct spinal alignment of sway back, due to the better efficiency of these exercises.




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