Effects of CoQ10 Supplementation on The Isocapnic Buffering and Hypocapnic Hyperventilation in Young Male Endurance Athletes

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran,


Background&Purpose: Isocapnic buffering (IB) and hypocapnic hyperventilation (HHV) have important effect in the sport performance and cardiovascular health evaluation. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of CoQ10 supplementation on the isocapnic buffering (IB) and hypocapnic hyperventilation (HHV) in young male endurance athletes.
Materials and Methods: 14 young male athletes were selected and randomly divided in to two equal, Control and CoQ10 groups. For 4 weeks, experimental group and Control group consumed CoQ10 and placebo 60 mg CoQ10 daily, respectively. In three sessions, two groups performed GXT to measure ventilation threshold (VT) and respiratory compensation point (RCP) on the 1, 14 and 28 days. Subject’s respiratory gases collected through the mask and automatically the amount of the consumed O2, CO2, EqO2 and EqCO2, equivalent to VT and RCP at intervals of 10 seconds were recorded. For within and between group mean difference comparison, Repeated measures Anova and independent t-test were used, respectively (P< 0.05).
Results: A repeated measures ANOVA in CoQ10 group, determined that mean IB was not differed significantly between time points (F= 1.40, P=0.28). HHV range differed significantly between time points (F= 7.00, P=0.01). Post-test HHV increased significantly to pre-test (P =0.02). In Con, HHV differences wasn’t significant. There wasn’t between group significant mean difference at IB and HHV.
Conclusion: Although in theory coenzyme Q10 may be useful for exercise capacity and decrease oxidative stress, 14 and 28 day supplementation with 60 mg/d Q10 failed to show any significant effects on the isocapnic buffering (IB) and hypocapnic hyperventilation (HHV) phases in young male athletes.




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