Investigation of tissue and blood indices of liver and metabolic syndrome in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver during 36 sessions of exercise training

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Maternal and Childhood Obesity Research Center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Motahari Hospital, Urmia, Iran.

2 Associate professor of exercise physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Urmia university, Urmia,

3 Sama Technical and Vocational Training College, Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branche, Urmia, Iran

4 Radiologists, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Motahari Hospital, Urmia, Iran

5 cardiologist, fellowship electrophysiology and pacemaker, professor assistant, seyyed al shohada hospital, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran


Background and purpose: Prevalence of overweight and obesity caused by a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet is the problem of health that one of its side effects is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). The aim of this study was to investigate of tissue and blood indices of liver and metabolic syndrome in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver during a period of exercise training.
Methodology: In this randomized controlled trial, 29 overweight and obese women with liver steatosis with an age range of 22 to 52 years, were randomly divided into two groups: aerobic exercise (n = 13) and control (n = 16). Aerobic group accomplished (12 weeks of aerobic training, 3 times a week, for 20-50 minutes at 50-70% of maximum heart rate). The control group was sedentary during the same period. Blood samples to determine levels of liver enzymes (SGOT, ALK, SGPT) and serum lipid profile (TG, CHO, HDL, LDL) were collected before and after the test. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21.
Results:  The results show significant changes of anthropometric parameters (waist circumference) and biochemical variables (ALK and total cholesterol) between the two-experimental and control groups(p≤0/05).
Conclusion: Due to significant changes in a few indicators of the study, 12 weeks of aerobic exercise seems to be at least appropriate way to manage and control the fatty liver and its complications.


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