A Comparison of Physiologic, Body-Composition and Anthropometric Characteristics between Elite and Beginner Table Tennis Players

Document Type : Research Paper



Physiologic and anthropometric characteristics are important factors in table tennis players which affect their performance. Our objective was to compare these features between elite and beginner table tennis players. For this purpose, a group of 40 subjects were selected. The group consisted of 20 beginners selected from the students of three universities in Tehran and 20 national elite table tennis players. Variables selected for the study included physiologic characteristics (anaerobic power [Margaria-Kalaman and Sarjent tests] and aerobic capacity  [Brous tests]), body composition (weight, height, fat percent, lean body weight) and anthropometric characteristics (sitting height, upper and lower extremity length, arm length, forearm length and somatotypes). Findings obtained are reported as mean ± SD and comparison between two groups was performed with student t-test.
Almost all anthropometric and body-composition characteristics were similar in both groups, except for endomorphism that was lower in elite players (2.3±1.06 vs. 3.18 ±1.23; p=0.04). Anaerobic power in elite subjects obtained by Margaria-Kalaman test was significantly higher than beginners (123.02± 17.61 Vs 104.52± 14.2 kg.m/s; P<0.01). Anaerobic power in elite subjects gathered by Sarjent test was significantly higher than beginners (106.93± 12.6 Vs. 92.4 ± 11.7 kg.m/s; P<0.01). Absolute values of maximum uptake of oxygen in elite group was significantly higher than beginner group (2.84 ± 0.41 vs. 2.4 ± 0.44 L/min; P<0.01). Results indicate that elite table tennis players have higher aerobic capacity and anaerobic power than beginners, but their body-composition and anthropometric characteristics are similar. Physiologic and anthropometric characteristics of Iranian national players are considerably lower than world or Olympic table tennis players.  To increase the performance level of our players and to decrease this gap we suggest beginning professional training from childhood, considering physiologic and anthropometric characteristics in selection of national players, and programming long time exercises based on up-to-date scientific methods. Further studies with greater size are recommended.   


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