A Comparative Study of the Types and Prevalence of Knee Injuries in male players with strength and speed in Top Volleyball League

Document Type : Research Paper



Although among different sports, volleyball is considered as a sport with no full body contact between competitors, players usually complain of knee injury caused by repeated jumping and falling on the hard field. This research is undertaken to compare the rate of the knee injury among male Iranian elite volleyball players recognized as players with strength and speed.  The study is focused on the causes of the knee injuries with respect to body composition features and training principles. The subjects were chosen from ten teams of six Iranian provinces. Data collected using the questionnaire, physical examination, standard assessment including measuring the angle of tibia torsion, the Q angle, types of knee and foot deformities and body weight. To determine the rate of injuries, descriptive analysis and for the relationship between the causes of the injuries between the two groups of participants, inferential statistical procedures at the 0.05 level of significance were used. Significant differences were found between knee injuries with age, players experiences, warm up time, the season for body building, physical fitness, fatigue, water and glucose consumptions. No significant differences were found between knee injuries and the length of lower limb, the angle of tibia torsion, the Q angle, types of knee and foot deformities, weight and the main task of the volleyball players in the field.


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