A Description and Comparison of Safety Management in Physical Education Classes in Junior High Schools in Ahwaz

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was describing and comparing the safety management in Physical Education (P.E) classes in junior high school in Ahwaz. For this purpose, the effective variables in safety and security in P.E classes were identified based on a framework of four factors: the teachers’ knowledge about first aid training, security of classes (teacher’s behavior), the security of sport equipment and supplies and the first aid equipment as well as supplies. The researcher-made questionnaire was used for evaluating the effective factors. The validity and reliability of questionnaire were measured by content validity and Cronbach alpha (r=0.87) at the following significant level (=α 0/05). The population of this research was the all the junior high schools in Ahwaz and the P.E teachers. The 146 public junior high schools and their 148 P.E teachers were selected as a sample. The collected data was analyzed via descriptive statistics, independent samples test and ANOVA (p<0/05).
The main results from this study indicate that the mean of safety management in P.E classes (58.96± 0.79) was in the middle of range and less than desirable level but there was no significant difference in safety management between P.E classes in four areas in Ahwaz city. The mean of teacher’s behavior (78.11±.90) was in desirable level, the mean of knowledge of first aid training (63.27±1.47) was in the middle of range, the mean of the security of sport equipment and supplies (49.46±0.98) and the mean of the first aid equipment (43.93±1.69) was weak. There was no significant difference in teacher’s knowledge of first aid training between girl and boy schools; however, there was significant difference between the security of sport equipment and supplies, first aid equipment and teachers’ behavior in girl and boy schools. The girl schools have higher means. In General, there was a significant difference between safety management in girl and boy schools in that the girl schools have higher means. Generally, this study tried to make a standard method for evaluating safety management in P.E classes. Regarding the safety in P.E classes and also considering these results, safety management was not in desirable level, to increase this level more attention should be paid to these factors which are effective in safety management in sport classes.


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