Effect of Three Nonconsecutive Days of one-Mile running on Selected Hematological Variables and VO2max in Male Physical education Students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Physical Education and sports Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Physical Education and sports Sciences, Shomal University, Amol, Mazandaran Iran.

3 Specialist in Lab Sciences Amol, Mazandaran, Iran


It has been suggested that regular aerobic training is resulted to hematological and aerobic capacity changes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of three nonconsecutive days (every other day) of one-mile running on selected hematological variables and VO2max. Nineteen male physical education students (age 22.3 ± 1.1 years, 73.2 ± 8.4 in weight, 177± 6.6 cm in height, and 23.28± 1.75 kg/m2) volunteered to participate in the present study. Subjects were asked to perform three nonconsecutive days (every other day) of one-mile running. Blood samples were taken at pre and 24h after of last running. The subjects were overnight fast (at least 12h). Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, plasma volume, heart rate, and VO2max were measured. Data were analyzed by using paired sample student T-test. Data were given as a Mean± SE. The differences were accepted at alpha £0.05. A significant decrease was observed in hemoglobin concentration, Hematocrit levels and VO2max. However, plasma volume showed a significant increase the end of one-mile running program. The results showed   an aerobic-exercise induced increase in plasma volume and also a Hemodilution phenomenon which could explain a declined hemoglobin concentration and Hematocrit levels in the present study conditions.


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