Effects of vigorous and moderate aerobic exercises on the general health of non-active men

Document Type : Research Paper



In order to study of the effects of vigorous and moderate aerobic exercises on the general health of non-active men, 43 individuals volunteered in this research. They were divided into two experimental groups and a control group by Simple random sampling.  Duration of training was 8 weeks and subjects 3 sessions per week and each session 30-45 minutes performed assigned aerobic exercises. Experimental group I (n=15) carried out vigorous aerobic exercise, and experimental group II (n=16) carried out moderate aerobic exercise, at 80-85 and 60-65% of maximal reserve heart rate respectively. Control group (n=12) didn’t perform any physical activity through research. General health of participants were evaluated by general health questionnaire (GHQ-28) of Goldber & Hillier in the initial and after 8 weeks of exercise. We applied one-way analysis of variance and LSD test for revelation results of study.  Results showed significantly  improvement in physical signs (P<0.04), anexiety and sleeping disorder (P<0.03), along with significantly increases in maximal oxygen uptake (P<0.05) and significantly decreases in waist circumference (P<0.04) after 8 weeks of vigorous aerobic exercises. In addition, we observed an inclination for improvement in the general health of moderate aerobic exercise group.  Based on the results, performing of vigorous aerobic exercise upto 80-85% of maximal reserve heart rate can improve general health, physical fitness and body composition of non- active men.


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