The Effect of Fasting on Physical Abilities and Body Lipid Levels of male and female University Students

Document Type : Research Paper




The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of fasting on physical abilities and body lipid levels of university students. Therefore, 18 fasting students (9 male and 9 female) and 18 non-fasting students (9 male and 9 female) were randomly selected and tested for the following variables before and after Ramazan month:
Blood sample of chol- total, trig, chol/ HDL, LDL and SFM of hand and foot, standing long Jump, chair push up, six minute ran (semi cooper), side step and horizontal bar.
Was hypothesized that there are significant differences between the means of increased or reduced scores of the fasting and non – fasting groups with regard to all the variables. The resulth of multivariate analysis of variance showed that except for HDL in which the fasting group showed mord increase in mean scores, with regard to hand- lipidm triglisyrine, LDL, and chol-HDL, the fasting group showed significantly more reduction as compared to the non- fasting group(p<.05). Moreover, there was significantly more reduction in hand- lipid in fasting girls than in fasting boys but the non- fasting girls and boys showed no difference(P<.004). On the other hands, there was significantly more reduction in HDL in fasting boys than un fasting girls, but the non- fasting boys and girls showed no difference(P<.001). Reduction in chol- HDL level in fasting boys was more than the fasting girls, but it was reverse in non- fasting boys and girls (P<.014).

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