The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of a period of the progressive intermittent aerobic training on the most sensitive inflammatory marker for estimating cardiovascular disease (C-reactive protein) in the obesity of female Wistar 14848 rats (325.6±4.93 gram and old-21.5 months). To do so 64 rats were prepared for the pilot study and the main study. The pilot study was performed to determine the difference of CRP in 32 obese and thin or old and young rats (each group 8 rats). Also, the rest 32 rats were divided randomly into the related – subgroubs including: pretest, midtest and posttest (control and training). The training protocol was performed for 12 weeks, 5 days in week, with 2 to 4 sets and with definite speed and duration.
The blood samples of fasting were drawn in many phases including; the baseline level, after 6 and 12 weeks of training. The data was analyzed via repeated measures and post hoc least significant difference (LSD). The results showed that CRP levels decreased insignificantly (P=0.351) in the first six weeks and decreased significantly (P=0.001) after 12 weeks. Generally, base on these findings in can be said that decline in this inflammatory marker after the intermittent training means attenuate in atherogenesis process.
1. روبرگز، فیزیولوژی ورزش، انرژی، سازگاریها و عملکرد ورزشی، ترجمة عباسعلی گائینی و ولیالله دبیدی روشن، چاپ اوّل، 1384، تهران، سازمان سمت، پژوهشکدة تربیت بدنی.
2. دبیدی روشن، ولیالله و همکاران (1384)، اثر یک دورة تمرین تداومی بر CRP موشهای صحرایی نژاد Wistar14848، المپیک، (30)، صفحه 1-15.
Dabidi Roshan, V. A. , Gaeini, A. A. , Ravasi, A. A. , & Khosh kam, M. (2005). The Effect of the Progressive Intermittent Aerobic Training on C-reactive protein of Strain Wistar14848 rats. Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 1(1), 21-35.
Vali Allah Dabidi Roshan; Abas Ali Gaeini; Ali Asghar Ravasi; Mahboube Khosh kam. "The Effect of the Progressive Intermittent Aerobic Training on C-reactive protein of Strain Wistar14848 rats", Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 1, 1, 2005, 21-35.
Dabidi Roshan, V. A., Gaeini, A. A., Ravasi, A. A., Khosh kam, M. (2005). 'The Effect of the Progressive Intermittent Aerobic Training on C-reactive protein of Strain Wistar14848 rats', Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 1(1), pp. 21-35.
V. A. Dabidi Roshan , A. A. Gaeini , A. A. Ravasi and M. Khosh kam, "The Effect of the Progressive Intermittent Aerobic Training on C-reactive protein of Strain Wistar14848 rats," Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 1 1 (2005): 21-35,
Dabidi Roshan, V. A., Gaeini, A. A., Ravasi, A. A., Khosh kam, M. The Effect of the Progressive Intermittent Aerobic Training on C-reactive protein of Strain Wistar14848 rats. Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 2005; 1(1): 21-35.