A survey of human resources, allocated sports budget and facilities in higher education institutions of Mazandaran province

Document Type : Research Paper




Sport is an integral part of the social and cultural infrastructure of nation. It really can make a difference in the broader educational process and in changing and enhancing the quality of people’s lives.
University and college students are an increasingly discerning sector of the population. They are also the most active in sport. In that context, raising student expectations of the range and quality of sporting provision at their university or college will soon be fuelled by the significant investment in youth sport via new opportunities funded projects and school sport. This presents huge opportunities and challenges to institutions to meet these rising expectations and to harness the broader potential of sport as a vehicle for achieving wider corporate objectives such as recruitment, health promotion, personal development, social inclusion and participation.
The purpose of this study was to assess the situation of human resources, allocated budget, specified area and sport facilities in Mazandaran universities. The sample in this study consisted of all higher educational institution of Mazandaran. The research instrument was a researcher made questionnaire in the open questions form.
Results of this study indicated that there was a significant relationship between the number of human resources, and total allocated budget, number of students participating in sport games.


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