Evaluation of blood lipid-biochemical profile and body fat distribution changes in overweight inactive men following continuous aerobic and high intensity interval trainings protocols

Document Type : Research Paper




Background and purpose: android obesity is a threat to the health of modern urban citizens, especially for men. Fore overcome on this threat, the current study examines the changes of blood lipid-biochemical profile and body fat distribution in overweight inactive men following aerobic continuous and high intensity interval trainings protocols.
Methodology: twenty-six man with Mean age, 45.3±6.1 years, weight, 88.6±9.8 kg, and total body fat percentage, 32.3±7.5 percent, in 3 groups of CAT (n = 8), HIIT (n = 9) and control or CO (n = 9) completed the course of study. The training programs include 12 weeks of HIIT and CAT as 3 times a week. Body fat distribution by DEXA and blood lipid-biochemical variables by collected blood sample analyses at baseline and after twelve weeks of the intervention, were measured.
Results: Body weight, BMI, total body fat percent and serum LDL levels decreased significantly in both training groups (P<0.05), but percent reduction in the CAT group was significantly greater than the HIIT group (p=0.025). Waist circumference, WHR, body fat percentage, Android fat percentage, and total cholesterol, hs-CRP, and HDL levels were significantly improved in the CAT group (p=0.02), but did not change significantly in the HIIT group.
Conclusion: according to the results of this study, it can be recommended that the high intensity interval training in terms of achieving the benefits of physical and cardiovascular fitness is a useful training strategy and comparable with continuous exercise in overweight inactive adults, however, it can not gain the same benefits of continuous exercise in the body fat distribution and blood lipid health.


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